Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Alison O'Bryan and I am a fiber artist who works and lives in Kentucky. This is a blog about my work and day to day life as well as bringing you some artist's work that I am inspired by. As I am inspired by so many wonderful artists, I too, hope to inspire others with this blog.

My work is odd and whimiscal. The world seems to be too normal sometimes and it is so great to step outside of yourself and to experience another world- a world of imgaination and fantasy!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Onwards and Forwards

Pushing onward and forwards- I am happy to report that after a month of coughing, hacking, fever chills, severe headaches, and green ugly boogers flying out of my nose that I am finally on the mend.  I feel so much better after taking care of myself with some of the suggestions that was in my last blog post.  Trust me when I say that being sick sucks!  Take care of yourself to avoid having feeling like your lungs might explode!

During this time that I really missed with you all out there, I had the opportunity to go to many wonderful craft shows with my sick self and have had the greatest honor of becoming an aunt to a beautiful baby girl named "Maddy."  She is quickly becoming one of the loves of my life.  It's funny how having a new baby in the family seems to put everything in perspective!  Art is wonderful but it's not nearly as important as family.  This is a very hard thing for me to learn but it's starting to knock me on the head with each scream of my niece when she's hungry.

Back to the craft shows for a minute- if you are in need of inspiration I strongly urge that you go to a few.  Craft shows have some of the most innovative art that is out there right now.  It's funny how it seems mainstream art follows in the footsteps of folk artists.  I didn't even buy anything (because that would take money) but just going and looking will renew your spirit as an artist and get those new ideas flowing again.   I know too many artists out there that do not look at nearly enough artwork of other folks.  It's no wonder that their love of art dries up!   It would be like an author trying to write a book without ever reading a book themselves.   Here are a FEW artists that I personally love and look to for inspiration:

Trenton Doyle Hancock

Yoshitomo Nara

Andrea Canalito

Picture 23

Julie Moon


 Tara Donovan 


Tracy Helgeson

Picture 7

Picture 13

Unknown Artist

As you have probably noticed these inspirations are not in my medium but they none the less affect me and me doing my artwork in making dolls.  It is still important for artists to engage in art that is going on around them for them to make art that people can relate to in this day and age.

So here is your beginning taste of some contemporary art that is out there.

Anyways, I have been working on a great mountain of Thanksgiving and Christmas dolls here lately.  I love Halloween but it doesn't quite pack the punch like Turkey and Christmas lights.  So to get myself in the mood, I have been listening to Christmas music and driving my family absolutely CRAZY!  It's fun and good to do that at times I think!  :)  So far I have made one Christmas doll and I named her "The Ghost of Christmas."  I am trying to combine Halloween and Christmas together a bit since Halloween has not yet even come and I am making Christmas dolls!  Here she is:

The Ghost of Christmas
If you would like a closer look or to purchase her please visit her at:

On a closing note here are some artists that are also doll artists that also inspire me:

Karin Burfict

Ray Caesar

Ray Caesar

little elfin-taking custom orders


Handmade Plush Doll (Witch Hilde)


SALE Poppet Plays Nobody from Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book


OOAK Custom Commissioned Copper Moon Dragon Needle Felt Soft Sculpture Wool Art doll Plush for Jessfox


Mr. ToM


Loopy Goth Art Doll Gabby


It's Good to be Weird Clothes Pin Doll


pRiMiTiVe  fOlK aRt fAll / haLloWeEn sAm sCaReCrOw DoLL dRieD gRaPeViNe bRooM aNd puMpKin CUSTOM ORDER RESERVED FOR WIAPILOT




Sheshacabah - art doll fairy fantasy millenarian creature halloween


Reserved for alloamie


Small Green Spikey Headed Wool Upcycled Sweater Monster




Emma and Albert monster dolls PLUSH- By ThEm DoLLz


Charlotte Circus Girl runs away


OOAK Pumpkin a Clown Artist Bear by Demonstrative Bears


Alice art doll

art doll rabbit pillow guy , handmade , hand painted original one of a kind Halloween


Fish Sticks


sTeAmPunK art doll


Walk on a pig ooak art doll


Leander the Griffin - Wool Felt Plush Doll - MADE TO ORDER


Celia - reserved for barkingmaddison



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