Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Alison O'Bryan and I am a fiber artist who works and lives in Kentucky. This is a blog about my work and day to day life as well as bringing you some artist's work that I am inspired by. As I am inspired by so many wonderful artists, I too, hope to inspire others with this blog.

My work is odd and whimiscal. The world seems to be too normal sometimes and it is so great to step outside of yourself and to experience another world- a world of imgaination and fantasy!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Price is Right?

I was watching a rerun of "The Price is Right" just Friday and I was thinking about my own prices in my art shops and wondering if I had the right prices.  For many people, especially artists, this topic is one that many do not wish to think about too much- it's uncomfortable, but nessacary.  The pricing of art doesn't make a lot of sense most of the time.  It isn't like pricing anything else.  If you price your art too low then people do not take or value your art seriously, but if you price too high then people think it's too haughty.  This is especially difficult when you are first starting out as an artist and trying to establish yourself, like me, and this is the predicament that I am finding myself in as we speak.  What is the right price?  Is there such a thing? What is the balancing act?

Of course you also have to take into consideration the material costs, the hours invested in your piece, and the value of what that piece means to you personally.  So the confusion continues.   I guess what I am trying to say is that pricing art stinks! 

On another note, I have finished two other art pieces that are now in my "A Little Catty" etsy shop.  For some reason these pieces took a lot of time trying due to my idea blockage.  They do not look like they should have taken a lot of time but trust me, they did.  Here is the first. 

Her name is Ayanna and she is a sweet gnome girl.  Be sure to visit her and read her story.  My next piece is an idea that I thought about doing for a while and it's called The Fiber Garden.  Fiber Gardens are simply crazy quilted pieces with excess ribbons, beads, yarns, and what nots that make a garden of sort which are small enough to be placed in a frame to sit on your desk at work or in your home.


Well, I am going to continue my quest in thinking about my prices and I hope that everyone has a great day!

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